How Advanced Care can help:
- Generate medical cost savings for your high-risk patients
- Increase patient satisfaction by providing care in the home where they are most comfortable
- Improve health outcomes by addressing SDoH
- Support a reduction in readmission rates
- Expand your practice with DispatchHealth in-home mobile offerings, without the investment of time and capital from your team
Do you have a patient like this?
Introduction & Presentation
Meet Elsa, an 87-year-old woman who is averse to seeking care in a traditional hospital setting and who is now experiencing symptoms of pneumonia. For evaluation and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, Elsa was admitted to DispatchHealth’s in-home hospital alternative, Advanced Care.
The power of Advanced Care for complex pneumonia
On-site intervention: Advanced Care, high acuity
History: This is a medically complex patient with a history of breast cancer and deep vein thrombosis. She had been experiencing coughing and shortness of breath for several days but had been reluctant to seek care. She had multiple allergies to oral antibiotics.
Physical exam: Her vitals were abnormal with oxygen saturation in the 80s on room air. She had decreased breath sounds on the right side and chronic lower extremity edema.
Labs: She was evaluated for COVID and influenza with negative rapid tests and negative PCRs. Bloodwork was performed by the team in her home to evaluate her renal function, electrolytes, BNP, and troponin. An ECG done in her home showed normal sinus rhythm.
On-site imaging: In-home chest x-ray.
Medications: She was treated for CAP with IV antibiotics for 5 days.
In-person and remote patient monitoring: Provider led twice-daily rounding with monitoring of blood pressure, pulse ox, temperature, and weight. Daily nursing education and tuck-in call by a nurse navigator.
Equipment provided: Supplemental oxygen initiation with safety assessment: home furnished with a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, and safety reminder signs.
Education: Patient educated on the plan of care and medication management.
Care coordination: Co-management of chronic medical issues and plan of care with PCP. Care coordination with PCP clinic to arrange ongoing portable O2.
30-day Transitional Care: After 4 days the patient was transitioned to remote monitoring Transition Phase in stable condition on supplemental oxygen. Intensive care coordination, nursing education, and symptom and vitals monitoring continued for 30 days to prevent re-admission.

Elsa’s experience:
With the help of in-home hospital alternative care Elsa was able to remain in her home while being evaluated and treated for community-acquired pneumonia.
DispatchHealth meets patients where they are, equipped with everything needed to provide excellent medical care for serious health concerns.