How Advanced Care can help:
- Generate medical cost savings for your high-risk patients
- Increase patient satisfaction by providing care in the home where they are most comfortable
- Improve health outcomes by addressing SDoH
- Support a reduction in readmission rates
- Expand your practice with DispatchHealth in-home mobile offerings, without the investment of time and capital from your team
Do you have a patient like this?
Introduction & Presentation
Meet Florence, a pleasant 79-year-old female who is the primary caregiver for her insulin-dependent husband that has dementia. She had been receiving lengthy care from her PCP for a complex urinary tract infection. The PCP advised that if the new course of antibiotics was ineffective, she would need to be admitted. Florence shared with him that hospital admission was not an option. She lives in a rural area with no family close by to care for her husband. Her PCP recommended the in-home hospital alternative, Advanced Care, that DispatchHealth offers.
The power of Advanced Care for complex UTI
On-site intervention: Advanced Care, high acuity
History: Patient presented with a primary complaint of increased urinary frequency and fatigue from a reoccurring complex multidrug-resistant E. coli urinary tract infection. Patient reports being antibiotic resistant. She had failed outpatient therapy. The patient reports a history of kidney stones, sepsis, GERD, hyperlipidemia, uterine cancer, and back pain.
Physical exam: Alert and oriented. Normal blood pressure, heart rate, and O2.
Labs: On-site labs – blood cultures; received results of urine culture from PCP; COVID test.
Medications: IV antibiotics and Zofran administered. Reconciliation of current medications, recommending removal of Tramadol.
In-person and remote patient monitoring: Physician-led daily rounding, remote monitoring of blood pressure, pulse ox, temperature, and weight. In-person daily visit with provider and nurse, in addition to a follow-up, call each evening with the nursing staff.
SDOH assessment: Provided Life-alert in case of fall or any emergencies. Florence was unable to leave the home and we offered to set up an in-home meal delivery service.
Education: Daily discussions about her symptoms. Importance of following through with follow-up appointments with PCP to avoid readmission and to meet with the urologist.
Care coordination: Ongoing discussion with PCP and sharing clinical notes. Scheduled appointment with a urologist.
30-day transitional Care: After 10 days of Advanced Care patient was discharged. Will continue to monitor vitals daily. The Advanced Care team followed Florence’s journey through the end of the 30-day episode.

Florence’s experience:
Florence reports, “Just as in the hospital they set up a whiteboard with their names, phone numbers, and the plan to regain my health. Dr. Shah and his team truly believe in what they are doing, and they do it with their whole heart. They are an outstanding example of what health care should be like for all of us!”
DispatchHealth meets patients where they are, equipped with everything needed to provide excellent medical care for serious health concerns.